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Thursday, November 6, 2008

When All These Things Come To Pass...

Let me say first, I love America! I don't like the path we've taken, how far we've strayed and alot of the junk that goes on here, but I love living here. It is a great country!
Now, let's talk post election. You're probably as sick of post election coverage as anything. I spent an hour getting a tire patched yesterday and all that was on the tv was people picking apart and analyzing this election. For some this was a great victory cause they're guy won, for others it was probably a panic and a cold sweat...for me? Well, I didn't wake up Wednesday morning with either dread or great excitement. I didn't start hunting for a generator and stocking up on canned goods (although, that might not be a bad idea now that I think about it). Why? Well, since I asked for you...I have not forgotten whose in control of this thing. I was conversing with someone the other day and they made the comment that whether you liked McCain or not, vote for him cause you certainly don't want Obama. Now, don't misunderstand me on this one. I think you ought to vote, it's a duty you have as an American citizen. However, I think alot of people have forgotten what the Bible says about the appointment of rulers. God will put in there exactly who he wants to serve out his perfect will. One other point people have forgotten is that, according to scripture, it ain't gonna get any better! Jesus will come back at a time of turmoil, not a time of peace and prosperity. One man will not change this world and the course it is on. Now, he can do his part to either better it or mess it up, but he won't change God's plan. He can , by some miracle (possible, but not likely) turn this country towards God, but the outcomes of any scenario lie in the hands of the Creator. That may seem "glass half empty" to you, but it gives me great encouragement. You see, I have a hope in something better that I will have for an eternity. By repenting and turning my life over to Jesus, I have recieved that precious gift of eternal life. It's close people, the skies could open up TODAY. Best thing to do is not put confidence in a man, but to make sure your soul has made preparation for that great day!


  1. Amen and Amen!
    Gods plan will remain sovereign no matter what. You are absolutely right about end times why do ppl think we are goin to have a great revival and turn back to God when the scriptures say not so we are to get worse much worse before better. I believe at any time we could hear the trumpet! PRAISE THE LORD!! This world is not my home I am just passing through....

  2. I love this Della. So true. The one unnerving picture in my mind through all of this is the "worship" like atmosphere in that square in Chicago. If you look at the faces, the tears, the expressions, the reactions... they are putting their hope in a man, like the Israelites put their hope in a king... Saul. When our hope and our King is Bigger and Higher and Greater. The Biggest. The Highest. The Greatest. And He will reign for ever and ever.

  3. Prairie Chick, that was what we call "hitting the nail on the head" I watched that speech yesterday and you're right on. It is a sad comment on our world in general that we are in such a mess and people feel the only hope we've got of a better tommorrow is Barack Obama. He's my president now and I will pray for him, as I feel it is my biblical duty. I only wish people could see that the ONLY hope we've got is Jesus Christ! Amen and Amen.

  4. Amen, I have to admit though I was so mad tuesday night I just could not get over the way they were idolizing him, I mean come on he's just another man, but I soon felt the Lord leading me in another direction, He was telling me to trust in Him and In His plan and I truly do believe that this is part of His plan, I am like you, as much as I will have to pray that God will help to, he is my president now and I will pray for him, his leadership abilities, his family and our country. I must confess though, It will not alwasy be easy to. That may sound bad but I am just being honest, cause my flesh in screaming refusal to him and all that he stands for. I do how ever have faith in GOD Almighty, knowing that He is in control and that this world is going exactly as He planned so in that I rest in peace in Him and His ability, that in and of itself calms my troubled seas!! Brandie

  5. Glad I don't have tv! I wouldn't have wanted to see that would give me more to be angry about and that is just not healthy!
