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Thursday, September 20, 2007

CMer' and Proud of It!

I, unashamedly use the Charlotte Mason Method. I've read and read about it and it just makes so much sense for my family. So, I've decided to regularly post links that I deem helpful to the understanding of Ms. Mason's Methods. For this first post, I'm going to link some articles summing up some of the aspects and concepts of a Charlotte Mason Education written by Karen Andreola, who I love , love, love. For those of you not familiar with this method, I believe the following articles will give you a good sampling of it, maybe wet your appetite to find out more. If you're burnt out on school or feel like what you're doing now is just not working, check out these articles and see if this might be the refreshing drink of water in a dry, dry land for you. You could study Charlotte Mason's writings for years and not get all of it, but I've found by implementing the ideas laid forth in her works such as nature journaling , living books and narration, a dimension can be added that might transform your homeschool experience! Enjoy!
Homeschool without Homework
The Charlotte Mason Method
What Drew Me to The Charlotte Mason Method

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