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Friday, July 29, 2011

Just Some Reminders....

I found this on a blog awhile back and can't for the life of me remember who the wise momma was that wrote this...if any of you know, leave me a comment so I can give credit where credit is due. I have this typed up and framed under a picture of my kids and it hangs above my desk where I see it. It helps me stay focused on the BIG picture instead of freaking out over the small stuff. I hope it helps and encourages you homeschool mommas out there today, cause Lord knows we need to lift one another up! We've got alot on our plates, especially this time of year.

*Prepare them first for eternity, then for that order.
*Don't try to cover everything-no school could ever do that!
*Grade levels are not as important as allowing each child to learn at his own pace.
*Grades are irrelevant to children who understand the benefits of becoming a lifelong learner.
*Don't forget they are people, not educational products.
*No curriculum or method can "guarantee" success.
*Your own prayer and devotional life are vital to hearing God's aid and guidance.
*Don't let pride or fear lead you...let peace be your decision maker.

Have a blessed day!

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